In the land of Scandza, a captivating Ruritanian story unfolds against the backdrop of the early 1900s. Prince Frederik, a tenacious and determined soul, finds himself at the center of a web of secrets that surround the royal family of Scandza. Resolved to uncover the truth about his past, Frederik embarks on a quest that takes him through treacherous paths and into the depths of the royal palace. Alongside the unorthodox Soldier Trier and the enigmatic Princess Evelyn, Frederik encounters a multitude of eccentric and unforgettable characters, each concealing their own secrets and motives. Yet, it is the character shrouded in mystery until the end—a revelation that shakes the very foundations of Scandza—that provides the most astonishing plot twist of all. With its richly woven tapestry of royal intrigue, compelling characters, and an explosive plot twist that redefines the very essence of the tale, this Ruritanian novel is a riveting adventure that will keep listeners spellbound until the final act.
The Heir of Scandza
A Ruritanian Adventure by E P Hughes
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