The story begins when 14-year-old Peter is sent west to America to escape the growing horror of Nazi Germany. But his younger brother, Arie, and their entire family are sent east to the death camps. Only Arie survives.
The brothers reunite in the nascent Jewish state, where Arie becomes a businessman and one of the richest men in Israel while Peter becomes a top Mossad agent, heading some of Israel’s most vital espionage operations. One brother builds Israel, the other protects it.
But they also fall in love with the same woman, Tamara, a lonely Jewish refugee from Cairo. And over the next two decades, as their new homeland faces extraordinary obstacles that could destroy it, the brothers’ intrigues and jealousies threaten to tear their new lives apart.
Promised Land is at once the gripping tale of a struggling family and an epic about a struggling nation.
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